Athens Market Area under Roman Rule
Nearby to the location of the Ancient Agora, is the Roman Agora, or the Roman Forum of Athens, as it is also know. This was built in the 1st Century BC by Emperor Augustus, and founded by Julias Ceaser and Augustus together.

According to the inscription on the lintel, it was built in dedication to the Goddess Athena. The Roman Agora was actually built to be an extension of the Ancient Agora, linking to it by a wide road. The size of the Roman Agora compared to the Ancient Agora is vast.
The shape is a large rectangular one, that is today urrounded by railings, although visitors to the site are permitted. In its day, the site would have been surrounded on all four side by Ionian columns.
On the west side is the “Athena Archegetis”, which is the main gateway, consisting of four columns supporting a pediment. This gateway is very large, and one that will attract your attention as soon as you arrive at this site. Inscribed on the north side of the gate is a decree from Emperor Handrian regarding the rules and taxes on the sale of oil.

In later years, the Roman Agora was used by the Turks as a market place and bazaar. The “Fetiye Cami” (Victory Mosque) was built in 1456 soon after the capture of Athens by Sultan Mehmet II. Today, it is used as a store room for artifacts found on the site.
One of the highlights of the Roman Agora is the Tower of the Winds, which is located in the west of the agora.
Map of the Roman Agora
Below you will find a map which shows the location of the Roman Agora in Athens. Click on the map image below to load the Google map.
Visitor Information
Opening Hours:
Summer - Daily from 08:00 - 19:00
Winter - Daily from 08:30 - 18:00 (though sometimes earlier)
Entrance Fee / Prices:
4 Euros | Reduced 2 Euros | Is also part of the Multi Ticket for Archaeological Sites in Athens
The entrance to the Roman Agora is located on Pelopida and Eolou street.
Top Sights in Athens
- Ancient Agora
- Areopagus (Hill of Ares)
- Athenian Trilogy
- Filopappou Hill
- First Cemetery of Athens
- Hadrian's Arch
- Hadrian's Library
- Hill of the Nymphs
- Kerameikos Cemetery
- Lycabettus Hill
- Lysicrates Monument
- National Gardens
- Panathenaic Stadium
- Pnyx
- Roman Agora
- Syntagma Square
- Temple of Olympian Zeus
- Tower of the Winds
- Zappeion