Ithaca Island Holidays
The island of Ithaca (Ithaki) is one that asks the question ... "Is this the island of Odysseus ?"

Even though archaeologists have not discovered anything to confirm this historical opinion, the delightful island of Ithaca is one with superb beaches and picturesque, tranquil hamlets, and all of the other essential elements in order to attract the modern day Odysseus.
Ithaca is located to the north of the neighbouring island of Kefalonia, and is one that offers so much natural beauty to the lovers of nature. Ithaca travel will be a perfect way to experience this unique Greek island.
The island is home to a wonderful selection of beautiful beaches, such as the beach of Filiatro, which offers the perfect setting for relaxing moments by the sea, as well as the opportunity to partake in diving and underwater fishing.

The capital town of Ithaca is Vathi, which is also the natural harbour of the island. All visitors to the island will arrive here at Vathi, which offers a very warm and tranquil welcome to visitors.
Other popular parts of Ithaca are those of Kioni and Frikes. These parts of Ithaca are provide a very natural and traditional setting for holidays here on the island.

There are several interesting sites and places to visit on Ithaca and visitors can enjoy some very interesting and unique holidays. One very interesting place that all visitors to the island should visit is the cave of "Nympths", which is also known as "Marmarospilia". According to mythology, Odysseus hid treasure here that the King of Feakon had given to him.
From the harbour of Vathi, there are boat connections to the ports of Patras, Kefalonia and Astakos, which is situated in the Central Greece region of Etolaokarnania. There are also national bus connections, operated by KTEL, to the city Athens.